In Memory Of
Millikan High School
Class of 1975
This is the confirmed list of classmates who are no longer with us. We can add more names to the list but need a way to confirm the info. Please use the contact page to let us know.
February 2025

Michael S Austin
Mike R Bell
Carol J Bordewich Goodnight
Bruce Bowden
Kim Bridges Manning
Patrick K Carabine
Robert L Chapman
Joseph M Ciccarelli
Gregory E Collyar
Denise Crockett
Don L Curry
Robert D Davis
Mary Jo Day
James Daye
Nancy Devlin
Jeff Dickson
Michael A Diehl
Laurence E Dyer
Bruce A Eidinger
Keith G Elgin
Laurence N Ellis
Elizabeth E Elvert Curtis
Sam W Figueroa
Jean B Fletcher
Jean A Fogelberg
David E Ford
Larry P Gillette
Tim B Gomez
Mary Anne B Griffiths McCullough
Daniel L Graf
Terry Grindle
Michael D Gustason
Jack E Gutting
Curtis Lee Halk
Stephen J Hamilton
Janet Hammer Smith-Scott
Julia F Hannibal Child
Tim A Harter
Kathleen Hebner Paris
Frank L Herrick Jr
Robert J Hetlinger
Elaine L Hixon Knight
Dawn L Holmes Soto
Kevin D Holt
Cindy L Honts Woolf Jones
William F Horton
Donald A Howser
Debra L Hudelson Krave
Robert M Hunsaker
Kerry L Kelly
Janice Kennedy Hunter
Kim P Kennedy Richardson
Scott D Klein
Stacie C Kohn
Laura E Kuck Fleeger
Curtis E Lambert
Jeffrey A Lauer
Ruth A Laurie
Jo Anne M Lawrence Reed
Debra S Layton Sanchez Richardson
Michael F Lentz
William F LeSage
Marian Lim
Lynda Lish Tautolo
Tim C Moffett
Joseph L Mohlin
John J Morales
Michael D Morgan
Malachi Moses
Lorri S Mumm Preston
David Munter
Rocco Navetta
Juli Nickoley
Mark O'Conner
Tracey E Osborne Odgen
Ronald W Owens
Patty A Pate McCurnin
David Peck
Ronald J Proulx
Julie Renaud Cooke
John Risko
Scott D Roberts
Trent S Salem
James R Scarborough
Randal D Scott
Janet Seeley
Willem (Glenn) Severijn
Debbie Siegel
David Singer
Pamela K Smith
Peter J Stephenson
Robert S Stern
Jane M Thebarge Farrugia
Roy D Tipton
Gale L Tracy Gardia
Leland J Tuft
Kent M Van Sooy
Albert D Watson
Heidi Westfall
Jack M Witt
Cynthia Woolley Garland
Mark A Wycislak
Billie J Wyrick Gilmore